January 22, 2010


While I'm proud to announce that I met my reading goal in 2009 (reading #50 at dinner on New Year's Eve, no less), I have to come clean or where I fell short as well. I'd hoped to cleverly blog about every book I read, but sadly I failed (though, I do hold on to a dream that I will back-blog about them). To be fair, I can't blame it all on laziness. Let's just be real: 50 books is a pretty ambitious goal for a 9-5er like myself. Write about them too? Sigh. That is a challenge I could not meet.

So, inspired by a recent read (Nick Hornby's The Polysyllabic Spree - thanks for the recommendation, Ant...), I'll instead chronicle my adventures through books in digest form. I'm no Michiko anyway - better (i.e., easier, less time-consuming) for me to veer my efforts away from criticizing, per se, and instead focus on just some broad thoughts. I'll also attempt to update
Reading Comprehension at least monthly. I'd like to do it more often though. We'll see how that goes.

In other news, I have set a new goal for 2010. I think it's unreasonable to shoot for more than 50 books (I have other things to do, after all). So, rather than bumping up the quantity, I'll be paying more attention to what goes in my to-read stack:

2010 Goals
Read 50 new books (10 re-reads were allowed in 2009, I finished the year with 4)
Tackle 4 white whales (one every three months, ideally)
6 non-novels/stories (non-fiction or essays)
Roald Dahl's oeuvre

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