October 14, 2010

Goddess of the Hunt :: Tessa Dare

I've had a rough couple of weeks, so TG (my book pimp) gave me a gift. And what a gift it was!

Title: Goddess of the Hunt
Author: Tessa Dare
Read: East Village, NYC; one sitting
Format: Mass Market Paperback, Embarrassing Cover

In my limited experience, romance novels by Tessa Dare are kind of awesome. In her debut novel (and the first of the 'Sirens' trilogy, seriously), Ms. Dare gives us exactly what we want from a bodice-ripping romance. There's the unassumingly beautiful, headstrong virgin (Lucy) and the brooding nobleman with a secret and broad shoulders (Jeremy). There are misapprehensions. There's a happy-ending-red-herring about halfway through. There is thrusting and ravaging. Uniquely, this one also had a wandering, senile old woman.

Lucy Waltham has her sights set on one of her brother's friends. She attempts to practice her seduction skills on another friend, the stony Jeremy, Earl-of-something. For a variety of reasons, they find themselves fake-courting each other. But, how long does it stay fake? And how long will it take for them to know exactly how the other feels? Lust (and love?), etc ensues.

In Goddess of the Hunt, the characters are far from new - to romance or otherwise - but they are fun to follow regardless. Like all novels of its ilk, the joy is not in whether they get together (they will, duh), but how they get there. And the (guilty) pleasure Tessa Dare offers us in getting there is considerable.

An excellent distraction and a worthwhile way to pass a few hours:
4 out of 5 stars.

1 comment:

  1. I won't claim it wasn't kind of embarrassing to carry this to the check-out, but whatever. In fact, now I'm kind of wishing I'd bought it at St. Mark's, to see that dude's head explode.
